Help people explore new business ideas and kick-start enterprises that focus on assisting people to take steps out of poverty. The forTomorrow Enterprise Program works together with people to develop their ideas, receive training, think through different challenges, and build and grow their enterprise with an aim of being commercially viable and investment ready.
Your tax-deductible donation enables this process to occur and assists Tearfund to have patient capital available that can be invested as a loan into a viable enterprise that is passionate about achieving a social or environment impact. Learn more.
Donations of $2 and over are tax-deductible. ABN 85 085 413 832.
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Your donation will support the Tearfund forTomorrow Enterprise Program, helping create entrepreneurial responses to global poverty.
Image: Developed by Tearfund’s long-term partner Saahasee, GladRose Personal Nursing Care in Pune, India, provides dignified employment for low income communities through the provision of personal care services in homes.