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Donate to Tearfund's Hope for Afghanistan Appeal

Afghanistan is facing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. Your support can pave a pathway of hope for Afghan families.

Donation summary

If you can manage it, a small monthly donation can provide long-term support for communities and enable even more people to lift themselves out of poverty.

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Single donations to Tearfund Australia’s 'Hope for Afghanistan' appeal will be used to to fund the work of Afghan partners meeting the humanitarian needs of more than 300,000 people. This work includes access to clean water and toilets, food security, children’s nutrition, infant and maternal health, income generation, support for livelihoods, and mental health support. Monthly donations will support the ongoing work of Tearfund Australia and our partners around the world as we work to overcome poverty, marginalisation and injustice.

Tearfund complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. We'll keep you informed about our work and you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing [email protected] or calling ‍1800 244 986. Privacy policy.

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Single donations to Tearfund Australia’s 'Hope for Afghanistan' appeal will be used to to fund the work of Afghan partners meeting the humanitarian needs of more than 300,000 people. This work includes access to clean water and toilets, food security, children’s nutrition, infant and maternal health, income generation, support for livelihoods, and mental health support. Monthly donations will support the ongoing work of Tearfund Australia and our partners around the world as we work to overcome poverty, marginalisation and injustice.

Tearfund complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. We'll keep you informed about our work and you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing [email protected] or calling ‍1800 244 986. Privacy policy.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.