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Tjc Worship Portrait

My Church

There’s a movement that is growing in Australia - a movement of hopeful followers of Jesus beginning to walk as one - fueled by the knowledge that God is actively working in creation to reconcile and heal our broken world.

Release: God's unfolding story of freedom.

A film and small group resource

Run a Useful Gifts Shop

Sell TEAR’s Useful Gifts either online or set up a stall in your church or community. These gifts genuinely help people facing poverty transform their lives.

Church Resources

Our church resources are designed for members and leaders to learn more about God’s work of justice and take action towards a just and compassionate world.


Share TEAR's latest video and small group bible study resource with your community. Download it here.

A Renewed Way of Living

A great resource for small groups, directly engages some of the key discipleship challenges of our time.

Development that Works

A small group guide designed to enable your group to reflect on the subjects of poverty and inequality and how as Christians we can respond through best practice development approaches.

Ways for your church to connect

We love to support churches as they express their love for God through justice and compassion. Contact us today to find out more about our church partnership program and speakers and activities available for your service, workshop or camp.