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Hunger Crisis Appeal (Horn of Africa)

The severe hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa is reaching catastrophic levels.

You can help those hardest hit by this crisis.

Can provide life-saving health and nutrition care for children at risk of malnutrition.

Can provide seeds, tools and training in sustainable agriculture for farmers groups.

Can help families better provide for themselves with strengthened livelihoods.

Can provide immediate assistance and long-term support for communities at risk of disaster.

22 million people are at risk of starvation in the drought-ravaged Horn of Africa. Years of insufficient rainfall have caused the worst drought in 40 years and conditions akin to famine in the hardest-hit areas.

  • An unprecedented four failed rainy seasons has seen widespread loss of livestock, destroyed crops and forced 1.1 million people from their homes in search of food and water.
  • Almost eight million children under the age of five are at risk of death from malnutrition.
  • In Somalia alone, seven million people are likely to face food insecurity.
Severe drought and food insecurity in Somaliland
Severe drought and food insecurity have triggered a hunger crisis that is devastating Somalia and neighbouring regions, including Somaliland (pictured). Image: Tearfund Germany

Somalia on the brink of Famine

In Somalia seven million people are likely to face food insecurity. The latest reports out of Somalia are that two areas of Somalia are likely to enter a state of famine later this year as the country battles an unrelenting drought and flare-ups of conflict. “Famine is at the door and today we are receiving a final warning,” Martin Griffiths, the UN’s under secretary general for humanitarian affairs.

Tearfund’s partners are responding.

Across Somalia, Ethiopia and South Sudan, Tearfund Australia’s long term partners are responding today.

Donate now to Tearfund's Hunger Crisis Appeal (Horn of Africa)

Your gift today will help Tearfund’s partners who are supporting people in places where the hunger crisis is deepening.

  • Mobile clinics in Somalia are providing lifesaving health and nutrition services to communities facing extreme drought.
  • In South Sudan and Ethiopia farmers are seeing increased crop production through training in climate resilient farming.

Give now

Emergency Action Alliance

Tearfund is proud to be a founding member of the Emergency Action Alliance – a simple and effective way for Australian donors to help in an international humanitarian emergency. Learn more.

Top image: Tearfund Germany