Can the cycle of poverty be broken? (Video message from Tearfund's CEO)
Please note: This information is more than 30 days old. View current news and events.
The relentless cycle of poverty holds people back from hope-filled futures. It leaves people without choices that would help them reach their God-given potential. And without urgent action, the number of people struggling to see a way out of poverty is only going to rise.
But we know that a different story is possible.
This is Besinaya’s story – a story of how the cycle of poverty can be broken - even in the most hard places. This end of financial year, we invite you to help Tearfund’s partners to make a way for more people like Besinaya. Watch the video from Tearfund CEO, Matthew Maury, below.
Join the work of restoration and hope
We invite you to prayerfully consider joining this work of restoration and hope by supporting Tearfund’s partners to overcome poverty and injustice.
Read the transcript:
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support of Tearfund - both through your generosity and through your prayers. Your support is a vital part of our goal to see lives transformed as people take steps out of poverty.
A few months ago I got to meet Besinaya.
As I visited her home - in a remote part of rural India - I was struck by her big smile and bright red sari - and by her great eagerness to proudly show me around her home so that I could see first hand how she has found a way out of poverty.
Besinaya comes from an indigenous community - or as they call themselves in India - a tribal community. These groups have historically been among the most discriminated and exploited groups in india.
Our local Christian partner EFICOR shares Tearfund’s heart and vision to prioritise these communities in our work…..reaching out into the places facing the most challenging forms of poverty and injustice. - and what a joy to hear Besinaya’s story of a life changed through a project that supported her family to create a very successful small business raising chickens - now with enough income to feed the family, keep the kids in school and very importantly to break free from the longstanding pattern of forced migration to find day labour work hundreds of kilometers away.
Besinaya’s life - and in fact the lives for her whole family - have been able to find a way out of poverty and margianlisation. Change is possible. Her effusive smile and a flock of chickens outlined her story about life changing work.
The problem is that in so many places around the world communities want to have a similar story…but for them it can seem like there is no way out of poverty.
No way to earn an income,
No way to send your kids to school for an education.
No way to have your rights protected.
No clear path to safety.
God’s word calls us - you and me - to be part of a different story. A story in which there is a way of hope.
A story in which love can prevail.
A story of having enough - and like Besinaya celebrating transformation.
A story in which we can see a way out of poverty and into fullness of life.
Please be part of this story. Join us and make a donation by June 30th to support the work of Tearfund and our partners. Your gift can help make a way - even when poverty says there isn’t one. Thank you.