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Online Community Organising Training, Session 2 - Restoring Relationships

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Please note: This information is more than 30 days old. View current news and events.

At TEAR we recognise that in order to see a just and compassionate world we need to work together, using our voices, skills, time and energy to shift power, speak out and transform the systems and structures which hurt, oppress and marginalise individuals and communities.

Come and join us online (from the comfort of your home!), over three weeks as we unpack TEAR's approach to faith based community organising and equip you with some key skills for engaging others to work together for a more just and compassionate world. You'll be challenged, inspired and equipped with practical skills to challenge poverty and injustice in creative and courageous ways.

Over three Thursday evenings (30 April, 7 and 14 May, 7pm-9pm AEST) we will:

  • Gather threads of the Biblical story of justice and why we're called to fight poverty
  • Reflect on collective action and why we're called to work together
  • Explore our own story and our contribution and ask, what is our unique calling?
  • Learn and practice skills for movement building, including a relational meetings as a tool for community organising and context mapping.


Part 1 - 30 April, 7pm-9pm via Zoom (link to be provided)

Part 2 - Restoring Relationships, 7 May, 7pm-9pm via Zoom (link to be provided)

Part 3 - 14 May, 7pm-9pm via Zoom (link to be provided)

Cost : Free!
