Prayers for International Women's Day
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In the lead up to this year’s International Women's Day, we lift up our prayers for women around the world – prayers of thanks for progress made, and prayers of petition for the injustice, poverty and inequality women still face.
Read our collection of prayers from the TEAR team and share in your social media along with your own prayer:
Thank you, God for the amazing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who are working to equip their communities to deal with loss, grief and trauma.
Thank you that you promise to give comfort as a mother comforts her children. (Isaiah 66:13)
– Ben Clarke, Supporter Engagement Officer, TEAR's work with First Peoples.
Creator God, we thank you for your promise of fullness of life. As we celebrate women across the world, we ask that all women be released into this fullness.
Help us to see how we can partner with you in dismantling the unjust systems and attitudes that contribute to inequality.
We believe for a tomorrow where fullness of life is a reality for all.
– Zara Vaccari, Producer, The Justice Conference.
Creator God,
We give you thanks for the huge progress that has been made to increase levels of education for women and girls, and that far fewer women now face complications or death in childbirth.
We also give thanks that around the globe we see women of initiative and courage who together and as individuals are starting businesses and exercising greater say over how money is spent within their homes.
God of hope and love, we know too that many women and girls still face challenges in their communities to take an equal place in community or household decision-making.
We pray that change would happen, and that we will see women and men, boys and girls, living, working, and striving together, as equals, sharing the gifts, skills and wisdom you have given each of us, to bring about real change in the lives of our families, communities and nations. Amen.
– Phil Lindsay, International Program & Effectiveness Coordinator
Lord Jesus
I pray for women from South Sudan who have fled their country with their families.
I pray that in the midst of turmoil, you will bring peace, in the midst of uncertainty.
I pray you will bring hope and in the midst of desperation, you will bring an answer to their prayers.
I thank you that TEAR gets to help in these hard places as we work alongside our Christian partners and pray that we will see these precious daughters of yours flourish, even in these uncertain times.
Lord protect our sisters, and give them refuge.
In your name,
– Lami Martin, Supporter Relations Officer
Loving God, we celebrate your faithfulness and love. We give thanks for the transformation change that has been seen in the lives of women and their families living in slums in India.
– Nga Nguyen, International Program Officer, SE Asia + Pacific Island Nations