Wadjuk Binjareb Walk with Olman Walley
Please note: This information is more than 30 days old. View current news and events.
Change of date: This event is now scheduled for Saturday 15 October.
Join us for a walk on Wadjuk Binjareb country as we hear and learn from an Indigenous perspective. We will walk a 15km section of the Bibbulmun Track together from Kalamunda to South Ledge, led by guide Olman Walley.
Many non-Indigenous Australians do not know many Indigenous Australians or have never heard their story. Walking on country is an opportunity for people of these groups to come together. Whether we are new to or are familiar with issues of Indigenous injustice, we want to walk together, listen, learn and understand from an Indigenous perspective. Our hope is that this would encourage conversation and help us imagine new ways of living together with more grace, as we honour the stories and places of one another.
Such a special weekend spent on Tearfund's Bibbulmun track journey; just a bunch of willing strangers coming together to seek, learn, fellowship and open ourselves to be impacted by the beauty and power of creation and creator.