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A message of thanks from Tearfund.

As we read the Christmas story we see that it is one of joy in the midst of chaos, disruption, despair and upheaval.

And after the year we’ve had in 2020, it’s a story that is perhaps more timely and relevant than ever.

A short Christmas video message from our CEO Matthew Maury:

At this time of year, we are given a powerful reminder from the verses in Luke when the angel proclaims “good news that will bring great joy to all people”. We remember that in the midst of the disruption and messiness of the world, God entered into humanity, in the form of a vulnerable child, to bring hope and reconciliation.

The invitation for us this year is to read anew the story of Christmas and allow the words to settle deep into our souls; challenging, nurturing and renewing us to draw closer to Jesus - Emmanuel - God with us.

While it has been a stretching and challenging year, at Tearfund we are looking back with so much thankfulness for how God has continued to provide and encourage us and our partners even in the midst of very hard times.

We couldn’t have done it without your support. Thank you so much for your generosity, prayers, and your faithfulness.

Please continue to pray for all of our partners, who still face many immediate and long-term challenges related to COVID-19.

We wish you all a joyful and peaceful Christmas and look forward to journeying with you in 2021. Thank you!

Matthew Maury
CEO, Tearfund Australia