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Leadership During Times of Crisis - Remote Learning Forum

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Resource leadership during crisis

Development Education

Tearfund Australia has been running a series of learning forums on different topics, which we hope are timely and relevant for our partner organisations during this time.

The third of these was a forum on leadership during times of crisis.

We heard from two speakers who shared their learning and experience from leading organisations during times of crisis. This was followed by a time of sharing and questions, and time in small groups. The time of sharing was not recorded, but we are pleased to make available the recording of the presentations.

The speakers are:

  • Heidy Tamboto, who is the executive director of Yasera Indonesia and;
  • CB Samuel, Bible teacher and leader from India, and former Executive Director of EFICOR.

Our hope is that you not only benefit from these excellent presentations from other leaders and their thoughts on leading and leadership, but you also feel encouraged and supported from others in similar positions.

See also:

Remote Monitoring: For Learning

Remote Project Evaluations

Watch the forum below.

Note: To download this presentation, click the 'Download' button on this page.