Together in Hope
Join the movement today
Join the movement of Christians standing in hope
This is a call to stand together in hope.
Together, living as salt and light, in partnership with God, we can take hope-fueled action to transform lives and communities, to bring about change in the face of injustice, and sow the seeds of hope that build a future of greater peace and flourishing for all.
Will you join us?
The Global Hope Report
How hopeful do Australians feel about the world – and their own lives? What does this mean for Christians as agents of God’s hope in a weary world? Based on responses from Australians across the country, the Global Hope Report gives landmark insights into these questions, and delivers a powerful message that our world needs to hear.
Sign up to download your copy of the Global Hope Report, featuring all of the findings, insightful comments from survey respondents, stories that bring the research to life and biblical truths that underpin the message of hope.
Alongside the Report, you can access additional resources to help your church or community stand together in hope.
Get the Global Hope ReportHope for Afghanistan Appeal
Help pave a pathway of hope where it’s needed most
Afghanistan is facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Tearfund’s Afghan partners are mobilising to meet the needs of more than 300,000 people – your gift can help fuel the hope of Afghan families and our partners who support them.
Show your support for a Safer World for All
Threats to our world are intensifying: dangerous weather, increased wars and soaring inequality. Australia must act now to build a safer world for all. As Christians, we are empowered in Christ to step out in faith, hope and love to bring transformation in the face of overwhelming challenges.
Add your voiceHope in Prayer
Drawing near to God through prayer helps us anchor ourselves in God’s Word, and align with God’s story of hope for his people and the world. Together, prayer strengthens the foundation of our faith and steadies the hope within us in the face of stories that might distract, divide or disconnect us.
Add your prayer for a more peaceful and flourishing world, and be encouraged by the prayers of others.