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Hope for Afghanistan

Afghanistan is facing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.

Your support can pave a pathway of hope for Afghan families. Respond today:

Economic Empowerment – Supports vulnerable community members with skills training and resources (e.g. tools, cattle) to start generating an income.

Health & Mental Health Support – Supports families & children living with psychological impacts of conflict; basic healthcare including pre & post-natal care.

Hunger & Food Security – Supports distribution of food parcels in areas of high need + longer term initiatives to help people grow food and earn an income.

Hope for Afghanistan Appeal

Afghanistan is facing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. The nation has endured decades of conflict, political upheaval, severe economic decline and recurrent extreme climate shocks.

It is estimated that 58% (23.7 million people) of the national population will require humanitarian assistance this year. One third of the population experience a high level of food insecurity. The future for girls is uncertain: girls are not allowed to attend school after primary school, and women are excluded from the workforce apart from in healthcare.

Building on over 50 years of transformative community development, and in response to the compounding challenges facing communities in Afghanistan today, Tearfund’s local partners are courageously working to serve the most vulnerable, offering hope, care and practical support despite limitations and setbacks.

Tearfund urgently requires $500,000 to fund the work of Afghan partners meeting the humanitarian needs of more than 300,000 people.

This work includes access to clean water and toilets, food security, children’s nutrition, infant and maternal health, income generation, support for livelihoods, and mental health.

But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.

Psalm 9:18

As people of faith, we are called to stand in hope alongside our Afghan partners. We believe that God’s love and faithfulness enables a hope that can remain, even in the most devastating and complex of circumstances. This moment of urgency and suffering is also a moment in which present hope can deepen, and a future of hope can take shape.

Your gift to Tearfund’s Afghanistan Appeal will be used to provide vital livelihood, health, and water and sanitation support for vulnerable people. Please respond to continue a pathway of hope for Afghan families today.

There are many stories of how our work is impacting people. In the context of millions of people in need, it can at times feel like a drop in the ocean – but we celebrate the small drops of change through the work that we do, since small change can create a river of hope.

– Afghan partner
Prayer Tear Australia Day1 KIMLANDY 112

Pray with us

  • Most recently, hundreds of lives have been lost to flash flooding. Pray that support would reach the most vulnerable in communities affected by the recent floods, as well as those still grieving and recovering from earlier disasters.
  • Pray that doors would open for our partners' work in communities. Pray for the provision of funding needed to resource this work.
  • Pray for the staff of Tearfund’s partners – for their protection, encouragement and perseverance despite the hardship and uncertainty they face for their own families.
  • For renewed hope for those who are despondent about the future of their country and for their families.