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Tearfund All Things New Francine Ngardarb Riches

Tearfund’s work
with the
First Peoples
of Australia

Listening and Learning | Amplifying Voices | Supporting First Peoples

Tearfund Australia has a vision for reconciliation, for a more just and compassionate world for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to achieve their God-given potential. See our partnerships, make a donation or subscribe to keep informed.

We mobilise Australian Christians

We mobilise Christians and the wider community to work towards a more just and equitable society for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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Our Partnerships with Australia's First Peoples

We partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are working to achieve their potential and gain greater control over their own…

Our partnerships
Make a donation

Support Tearfund’s work towards a more just and equitable society for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Donate now

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience daily injustice that has led to ill health, poverty, family breakdown and alarming rates of incarceration. In light of the injustices experienced by the First Peoples of Australia, we respond in two ways:

Tearfund provides support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

See our partnerships

We mobilise Australian Christians for a more just and equitable society for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Keep informed.

Supporting First Peoples

We provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are working to achieve their potential and gain greater control over their own affairs.

See our partnerships

Mobilising Australian Christians

We mobilise Australian Christians and the wider community to work towards a more just and equitable society for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We extend an invitation for all Australian Christians to work with us to overcome injustice. Together, let’s deepen our understanding and prayerfully consider how we can engage in the work of reconciliation and healing that God calls us to.

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Tearfund’s work with the First Peoples of Australia

Towards a more just and equitable society for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Support community development work in First Peoples communities, led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders.

Violence tree and peace tree activity

Learn more about issues affecting the First Peoples of Australia.

A collection of resources to help you learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, Christian faith, and history, including:

  • Latest Resources
  • Listening to Australia's First Peoples
  • Prayer, Reflection and Reconciliation
  • Grief, Trauma and Loss
  • Reconciliation Resources
  • Advocacy
  • Further Reading
View resources

News about issues affecting Australia’s First Peoples

Keep informed about issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Tearfund's work with the First Peoples of Australia. Together, let’s deepen our understanding and prayerfully consider how we can engage in the work of reconciliation and healing to which God calls us.
