Learn more about issues affecting the First Peoples of Australia.
A collection of resources to help you learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, Christian faith, and history.
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View more information about our work with the First Peoples of Australia.
Image: A 'Violence tree and peace tree' drawn by participants at Nungalinya College. Used with permission.
Learn more about Tearfund's work with the First Peoples of Australia, and subscribe to stay up-to-date about issues affecting Australia’s First Peoples – together, let’s deepen our understanding and prayerfully consider how we can engage in the work of reconciliation and healing to which God calls us.
Watch and listen as these First Nations Christian leaders share from their wealth of experience:
Pastor Ray Minniecon invites us to see the power relationships in Moses' story through the three different yet interrelated discourses.
Watch: Leadership and Reconciliation
In this short video, Safina Stewart shares about what she loves about her Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and culture.
In this short video, Grant Paulson talks about how his faith is deeply connected to his Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leader Uncle Neville Naden and others, speak on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice.
Watch: Changing the Conversation
A short video capturing the hopeful longing for God’s new tomorrow. Featuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders Uncle Ray Minniecon, Grant Paulson and Safina Stewart.
Pastor Ray Minniecon talks about restoration of relationship.
Resources for building connection and relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and for personal or church/group prayer and reflection:
Resources designed to inspire groups and individuals to act in seeking to build connection and relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
View: Tearfund Reconciliation Resources
Uncle Graham & Grant Paulson speak together about the phrase in the Lord's Prayer 'forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us'. A powerful reflection for us all as we listen and learn. This video is part of a Common Grace teaching series in 2015 that invited Christian leaders across the country to reflect on the Lord's Prayer.
Watch: Reflecting on The Lord's Prayer
Billie Williams takes a theological look at the Lords Prayer from an Aboriginal perspective.
Indigenous Christian leaders reflect on how grief, trauma and loss affect their communities:
Rev. Mark Kickett shares about the pressures faced by ministers and Aboriginal churches as they live in the reality of lower Indigenous life expectancy.
Read: The Aboriginal church gets overloaded by funerals
Pastor Don Hayward shares about the huge amount of grief in Aboriginal communities.
Three Aboriginal leaders talk about how they respond to those experiencing trauma, and how the broader church can play a role in healing the effects of compound trauma.
Reflections on reconciliation and practical ways to be involved:
Four Christians reflect on reconciliation. This is a 7-part series based on interviews with four Christians from Indigenous and non-Indigenous backgrounds.
Read: What does reconciliation mean to you?
Rev. Neville Naden from the Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship and Bush Church Aid compares secular and biblical reconciliation.
Read: Uncle Neville Naden on Reconciliation
The Tearfund Reconciliation Action Kit is designed for small groups seeking to go on the journey of reconciliation; of beginning to understand our shared history, of seeking a just Tomorrow and of taking action today.
Read: Tearfund Reconciliation Action Kit
This game-based activity offers groups an opportunity for reflection on the history of the land they inhabit by simulating the impact colonisation has on culture and existence.
There are three key issues that Tearfund aims to advocate with First Peoples on: The high rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander incarceration, high rates of child of removal from families, and issues arising from the Uluru Statement from the heart.
Tearfund supports the Change the Record campaign, aiming to address issues of the over representation of Aboriginal people in jail and high rates of community violence.
Reverend (Aunty) Alexandra Gator shares about her lifelong work in the prison system.
Read: A voice for those who don't have a voice
Reverend (Aunty) Alexandra Gator shares about her passion for breaking the cycle that leads so many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into the criminal justice system.
Read: No More Band-Aid Solutions
Tearfund supports the Family Matters campaign, seeking to address the high rates of child removals from Aboriginal families.
Voice, Treaty and Truth. Tearfund is guided in our advocacy by the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and by the First Peoples organisations that we partner with, who have deep insight into what their communities need.
Read more: The Uluru Statement
Sean Weetra and Rosemary Rigney talk about how they understand “treaty” and what it might mean for them.
These books and resources will help you on your journey to understanding issues affecting First Peoples:
Read book review: Trouble I've Seen
Read book review: Finding the Heart of the Nation
Learn more about Australia’s shared story through Australians Together’s four part Bible study.
Keep informed about issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Tearfund's work with the First Peoples of Australia. Together, let’s deepen our understanding and prayerfully consider how we can engage in the work of reconciliation and healing to which God calls us.