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Middle East Humanitarian Appeal: Please give now.

Nepal 2017 0 Y6 A9768 T

How We Work

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In Partnership

Across the globe, we work in partnership with locally-based Christian agencies who understand the needs of their communities, and are in the best position to develop responses that are relevant and sustainable.

Why partnership is core to our work
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We support grassroots initiatives where community members, especially those most impacted by poverty and marginalisation, participate at every level of implementation.

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We tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice, recognising that needs are complex and interrelated.

Investing in long-term sustainable projects

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With Courage

We intentionally prioritise projects in some of the most challenging contexts around the world because we are called to be where the need is greatest. At Tearfund, we call these "hard places".

Work in Hard Places

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With Faith

We approach our partnerships with a biblical understanding: one of shared faith, deep value and mutual respect.

Want to know more about our approach to development and partnership?

Learn more about: What We Do