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Middle East Humanitarian Appeal: Please give now.

East africa water relief 2024 n1

Water Relief Appeal

The availability of safe water is under threat from repeated climate shocks, ongoing conflict and other factors, for as many as 1 in 3 people in East Africa.

  • 72% of the global population are water-insecure, including 1.34 billion people in Africa.
  • 31% (over 411 million) of people in the 54 African countries do not have access to a basic drinking water service.
  • 25 countries in Africa are severely impacted by WASH-attributed mortality, with estimated rates of over 40 deaths per 100,000 people annually.

* Global Water Security 2023: Assessment, United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment and Health

Provide clean, safe water for just $25

Thank you! With your support, over 10,000 people can access life-giving water through our partners' safe water, hygiene and sanitation projects.

Goal: $250,000
Total raised!

As drought and water insecurity continue to create urgent challenges for communities through East Africa, this work is as vital as ever – and it wouldn't be possible without your support. As we celebrate this milestone, please remember our Christian partners in prayer as they further this restorative work – keep in touch with their news and stories.

Jamilla, Ethiopia
With support from Tearfund’s Christian partner EKHCDC, there is now a borehole in Jamilla’s rural village in Ethiopia.

Surviving drought in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is on the verge of a major humanitarian situation due to multiple overlapping crises and erratic rainfall, weakening the communities' ability to cope. But there is now a borehole in Jamilla’s village bringing a life-restoring supply of clean water to around 150 families thanks to Tearfund supporters and local Christian partner Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development Commission (EKHCDC).


Pray with us

  • Pray for the safety of children and vulnerable communities that struggle to access safe and clean water. Zambia is currently facing a cholera outbreak leading to the loss of over 360 lives, most of whom are children, as well as school closures and restrictions on public gatherings.
  • Pray for communities for whom conflict has created additional obstacles to safe water and sanitation. Pray for Tearfund’s partners who are facilitating WASH projects in complex and often under resourced contexts such as internally displaced persons camps.
  • Pray that regions experiencing drought would receive rainfall at the right time and in the right amount to meet needs. Pray for infrastructure and innovation to capture available water and make it accessible to everyone, particularly the most vulnerable.
  • Pray for local churches and Christians to be mobilised as agents of God’s provision, both amongst communities in East Africa experiencing water scarcity and drought, and in Australia.