people impacted
Current as at December 2021. Please note projects often have more than one focus area. The project participant figures are from the 2020-21 year.
Tearfund supports both short-term emergency relief projects that enable disaster-affected people to survive, and medium-term recovery and rehabilitation projects.
Highest priority is given to those cases where community development work that Tearfund is already supporting is directly affected by a disaster. Care is taken to minimise the risk of relief inputs undermining local markets and communities' other self-help capacities. Focus is given to projects which help prepare communities for longer-term development initiatives.
Tearfund is committed to the humanitarian assistance principles of humanity, impartiality, independence and neutrality as defined in the Core Humanitarian Standards. Tearfund is also committed to recognising and working towards applying the Core Humanitarian Standards, the Integral Quality Standards, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct for NGOs in Disaster Relief and Sphere Standards. Tearfund Australia is a signatory to Charter4Change – an initiative to enable a more locally-led response in the provision of humanitarian aid.
During times of humanitarian crises people, especially Australians, feel compelled to give generously. When disasters strike, people often ask Tearfund whether we can accept goods for those who have suffered, and send them to our local partner organisations. While we are always grateful for offers of support and we recognise that people respond from their hearts and out of compassion, sending goods is rarely the best way to support those in need overseas.
The website https://donateresponsibly.org/ explains what happens to many of the goods that are given in times of disaster, (you won’t believe some of the stories of inappropriate but well-meaning gifts!) and how the number of items given can even slow down the work of saving lives and result in money being wasted. The website describes how giving money to respected organisations such as Tearfund enables fast, flexible, and relevant support to be given to people in need.
In 2022, Pakistan was ravaged by floods which killed hundreds of people and displaced millions, destroyed homes, schools and infrastructure, and impacted livelihoods. Tearfund’s local partner was able to offer immediate and ongoing relief to people affected by the floods, and your generous donations helped to make this support possible. Read more.
In November 2020, the people of the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia found themselves caught up in a fierce conflict between federal and regional government forces. Through our partners, Tearfund's generous supporters helped to provide emergency cash grants to vulnerable families, household food support, and personal hygiene materials. Read more.
On March 14, 2019, Cyclone Idai, an intense category 3 tropical cyclone, struck Mozambique with “massive and horrifying” impacts. Tearfund Australia supported our local partners to provide relief and assistance. Read more.
On Friday 28 September 2018, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 struck Sulawesi island in Indonesia. It led to a tsunami with waves up to three metres high hitting the city of Palu.
Tearfund Australia has responded through agencies in the Tearfund family and our partners in the Integral Alliance. Read more.