A Night of Lament and Hope - A digital prayer meeting
Please note: This information is more than 30 days old. View current news and events.
COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down for months, and some of us have suffered greatly: lost loved ones, jobs, freedom of movement, and so much about our lives that we took for granted. But what about others?
In places of poverty, life is always vulnerable to the crisis - many people rely on daily wages to survive, and health systems are already inadequate. The pandemic has further multiplied this human suffering, and TEAR partners working in these contexts are facing huge challenges.
Join us online as we gather to pray for one another, for TEAR’s partners, and for the people they serve.
Together we will lament
Jesus wept tears of compassion and cried out to his Father about the needs of the world. Through stories from TEAR partners, we will glimpse the pain and suffering of the world, and cry out to our ever-present and merciful Abba.
Together we will hope
Jesus endured suffering, because of his hope for resurrection, and this is our model. As we lament, we acknowledge and remember God’s presence and mercy, and our hope grows bright and strong once more.
Date - August 19
Time - 7pm
(Start time is 7pm for Qld, NSW, Vic and Tas; 6:30pm for SA and NT; 5pm for WA, and 5:45pm if you happen to be near Eucla)
How - Via Zoom
Everyone is welcome: