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Pray for India

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India, New Delhi:

An urgent invitation from our friend and Tearfund fieldworker CB Samuel to intercede in prayer for people, healthcare & infrastructure, governing authorities, and the church at large.

CB Samuel
CB Samuel

Pray For People

1. People infected and grieving

  • Pray for the physical health of those infected; whether isolated in hospital, or quarantined in home and separated from loved ones, or living and coping by themselves or living in areas with limited medical staff or facilities and limited access to proper healthcare and medicines.
  • Pray for the mental health of those infected and their loved ones; to be protected from fear, anxiety, loneliness, and despair, and to experience the peace, presence, and power of God.
  • Prayer for the medical needs of those infected; whether oxygen, medicines, treatment, a bed, hospitalisation, or any other life-preserving, life-saving remedy.
  • Pray for all who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

2. People needing care in families

  • COVID affects more than the person who falls ill. It puts others at risk and separates people in their own homes.
  • Pray for strength, wisdom, and protection in providing appropriate care in home quarantine.
  • Pray for patience and love to be present in relationships in homes during these times
  • Pray for senior citizens, especially those living alone and away from other members of the family.
  • Pray for all vulnerable with co-morbidities—persons with more than one underlying health-related condition.

3. People affected indirectly due to the pandemic

The effect of COVID on all aspects of life has been overwhelming. It has affected employment, the poor and marginalised, children, parents, the economy and so much more.

  • Pray for provision for those who have lost their jobs and are struggling to survive.
  • Pray for employers, entrepreneurs, business owners, and the like who carry the burden of their own livelihood and those of others in their employ.
  • Pray for the livelihood, health, and future of the migrant workers, daily wage earners, labourers, the poor, and the marginalised, who are facing this crisis in poverty, vulnerability, powerlessness, and destitution.
  • Pray for children affected by the changes to online education and for parents who are struggling to hold a balance between being parents and teachers.
  • Pray for those who are forced to be in isolation in abusive environments, trapped with their abusers.
  • Pray for those who are facing the weight of mental health challenges in lockdown.

Pray For Healthcare & Infrastructure

1. Health professionals

  • Pray for protection over the doctors, nurses, and health support staff as they serve on the frontlines. Most are overworked and at great risk. Pray for safety, peace, and strength.
  • Pray for their families to stand strong and to be able to cope with the stress and anxiety.
  • Pray for social workers and frontline workers involved in providing care who are at risk. Many have died and many are unwell. Pray they will be strengthened and empowered by God in the current situation.

2. Infrastructure

  • Pray for the supply of hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, ventilators, and medicines to be met.
  • Pray that the manufacturing groups and industries will be equipped with wisdom and resources to multiply their products.
  • Pray against corruption in the supply of these products, and that God will act to expose those who are making money in these difficult times and exploiting the people.
  • Pray for the opening of makeshift medical facilities to handle the spiralling numbers.

3. Vaccination

  • After sending out vaccines to other nations and announcing big targets, we now realise that only 1% of the nation is vaccinated and we are facing a vaccine shortage. With the announcement of all above 18 now eligible for vaccination, the situation could be worse.
  • Pray for the production, import, distribution, and supply of vaccines to meet the demands.
  • Pray for the nation to build immunity against the virus for which we need nourishing food.
  • Pray against a food shortage for a nation that is already reeling under extreme poverty and undernourishment.

Pray For The Governing Authorities

1. Policies and politics

  • Pray for divine wisdom, compassion, competence, guidance, and direction to be given to all our leaders.
  • Pray for the Prime Minister and his cabinet to develop policies and programs for the good of the people rather than any political agenda.
  • Pray for the Central and State Governments to rise above their political interests and seek the good of the city and the nation.
  • Pray for wise, good, effective, and fruitful decision-making among the ministers, bureaucrats, police, and other security services.

2. Justice

  • The pandemic has exposed and worsened the economic divide in the nation.
  • Pray that God would act to resolve the huge economic divide in the nation between the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
  • Pray against inhuman laws that suppress truth and authorities who act unjustly.
  • Pray that truth will spread, injustice will be exposed and peace will prevail.
  • Pray that the vaccines will be easily accessible and available to the poor, the marginalised, and the most vulnerable.

3. Protocols

  • Pray that the health and safety protocols will be strictly followed in order to stop the spread.
  • Pray for wisdom for governing authorities to enforce the proper guidelines.
  • Pray that God would move our people from ignorance to intelligence; give them the wisdom to be careful in what they do, especially with regard to recent large gatherings for religious occasions or political rallies.
  • Pray against those who spread fake news and misinformation during this time.
  • Pray that God would disrupt the work of those who try to spread falsehood with the intention of causing fear or indifference.

Pray For The Church At Large

1. Church leadership

  • Pastors, elders, priests are under tremendous pressure as they provide care for grieving families. Pray for God to grant them grace and strength to stand with their sheep in their pain.
  • Pray for the leaders to teach the Word with love and boldness, not to entertain or spur with false hopes and promises, but for the people to be built up and stand firm in him.
  • Pray for the spiritual, emotional, and financial needs of the church leaders to be met.

2. The people of God

  • The Church is called to be salt and light in the midst of decay and darkness. There is a world outside that is facing a ‘tsunami of grief’.
  • Pray that we will be a compassionate community, shining forth in our love for one another, as many of us are affected too.
  • Pray for a growing John 17 unity in the city at a time like this—one body in the city for the city.
  • Pray that God would teach the church ways to be involved in our communities to provide care and hope.

3. Ministries

  • Many Christian non-profits and organisations have stepped up to serve.
  • Pray that God would equip them with people and resources to engage and bless the world around us.
  • Pray that all Christians will grow in their intimacy with God.
  • Pray that a hunger for God, prayer, and intercession will increase in all churches and ministries.
  • Pray that during this time of crisis as people are asking questions, the truth of Jesus, his love, and the message of salvation will bring spiritual hope to many. Pray for the gospel to bear fruit.