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Climate Action Kit Group Guide

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Tear Climate Action Kit Group Guide

Publications & Reports

How do we live faithfully in a changing climate?

In this Action Kit you’ll find a bunch of ideas, resources and actions to equip your group to take meaningful and effective steps towards a better tomorrow for the whole planet.

We believe that as Christians we are called to respond to the issues of global poverty and injustice across our whole lives. At Tearfund we talk specifically about five key responses: to pray, to learn, to give, to advocate and to live out our daily lives in a way that demonstrates a love for our global neighbours.

Our changing climate is one of the most significant challenges currently facing our planet and one that is most severely impacting the poor. As we consider the potentially devastating consequences and the urgent need for action, we invite you to explore with us how we each might respond faithfully and lovingly in every area of our lives.
