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Prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude for creation

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A prayer by Emma Halgren, content lead at Tearfund, for thanksgiving and gratitude for creation.

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,

the world, and those who live in it;

for he has founded it on the seas,

and established it on the rivers.

Psalm 24:1-2

We come to a time of thanksgiving, a time of gratitude in particular for this land we now call Australia, and for the unique beauty of this place.

As we enter this time of prayer, I invite you to pause for a moment and think of a place in Australia that you especially love. It could be a place that inspires and replenishes you; a place you simply love for its natural beauty; a place that holds special memories for you. It could be a place you’ve been to once, and found unforgettable, or it could be somewhere you return to regularly.

Let’s pray together.

Holy God, you are the creator of the Earth and all that is in it, the whole interconnected web of life of which we are a part.

Thank you for this earth, our home, and for this land we call Australia.

We sing in gratitude for the beauty of our country:

for fresh air, wind and rain;

for wide skies and dense bush; vast deserts; flame red rocks; for rivers, oceans and lakes brimming with life.

for the unique animals, fish, birds, insects and reptiles for whom this country is also home.

For the beauty in our everyday:

the birdsong that we wake to in the morning

the scent of eucalyptus in the air as we walk

the crunch of fallen autumn leaves underfoot

the quiet growth and change that is taking place deep in the soil as the days grow shorter and cooler, and the nights draw in.

Loving God, in silence we think of that particular place in nature in Australia that we have named or shared today that is especially dear to us. Thank you for what it means to us, for the way it moves us, fills us, connects us to you, and reminds us of the wonder of all your creation.

God of wisdom, thank you that you have entrusted us with the care of this beautiful earth. Help us to care for it well.

As the federal election draws near, we think of the parliament that will be formed, and the mix of people who will form it, each with their own priorities and passions and concerns. Among the myriad issues that they will need to deal with, we pray that Australia’s politicians will be mindful of the need to protect our earth and safeguard it for future generations. May they make decisions that will help to protect the natural environment - the places and creatures that we love, the whole interconnected web of life.

Loving God, creator of every place we inhabit, you made the world in beauty and restore all things in glory. Let our hearts be open to the beauty that glows bright in the world around us; to the land we live in that sustains us, inspires us, replenishes us, that feeds our souls.

And we say together:
