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Reimagining Power: A 3-part Bible Study Series

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Reimagining power a 3 part bible study


Misplaced, power can destroy. Rightly restored, it can transform. Within and beyond the church, people are wrestling with questions of power. How does Jesus give us a transformed and renewed vision for power?

This Bible study series aims to consider this topic in three different ways:

  • Part 1: Jesus’ pattern for power – exploring how Jesus’ life and teachings show us how to engage with power
  • Part 2: The place of honour – exploring how we can participate in God’s kingdom work by surrendering our own power and submitting to God’s
  • Part 3: The body and power – exploring how being part of the body of Christ leads us to use, share and give up power for the sake of others.

The topic of power is broad and can trigger all sorts of feelings and responses. As you begin each study, spend a moment in prayer, asking God for sensitivity, respect and love as you listen and share together.

View the 3-part series online: