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Middle East Humanitarian Appeal: Please give now.

A heartfelt thank you!

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As we reflect on another year, one word keeps coming to mind: gratitude. Gratitude for the faithful partnerships that have carried Tearfund’s work forward in big and small ways. Whether as a supporter, partner, or member of our team, you’ve been a messenger of good news—living out the message of Jesus in ways that bring hope, joy, and restoration to a world in need.

Thank you for being part of this story and for faithfully sharing the good news of great joy through your prayers, generosity, and action.

May your Christmas be filled with the peace and hope that Christ brings to all people, everywhere.

Merry christmas TF staff 2024 1
Marshall Currie circle

Marshall Currie, International Program Team Leader

When I visit the work of our partners, they often want to know where the money comes from that supports them. I wish you could be there with me to see the smiles that break out when I tell them that a lot of it comes from thousands of ordinary, faithful Christians in Australia. And they’re not smiling because they are thinking about the money. It’s because, in that moment, they sense a connection with people of faith on the other side of the world. In that moment, their Christian family suddenly got bigger! I know this because that’s what they tell me. On their behalf, thank you for reaching out through your giving, praying and advocacy.

Jen circle

Jenny Beechey, International Partnerships Manager

I’ve spent time this year with our partners in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, meeting people whose lives have changed as a result of the work that you are supporting. They see me, but it’s our supporters that make it possible. When I meet a man who’s whole family is happier because he’s learnt about women’s rights, or a young woman who is growing vegetables in the middle of a drought thanks to a new borehole, I am incredibly grateful Tearfund’s supporters.

Laura Pieto, Accounts Clerk

We are deeply grateful to all our supporters for their unwavering contributions, whether through donations, prayers, or actions. Your continued support for Tearfund’s work with our partners is a constant blessing. Hearing your stories during calls brightens my days and fills me with gratitude to God for His provision through each of you.

While words cannot fully express our thanks, I pray that God continues to bless your lives. Even in challenging times, may you feel His presence walking with you. A million thank yous and countless blessings to you all

Paulie Proctor, Grants and Accountability Coordinator

Your invaluable support is making a difference to the lives of so many of our partners and the communities that they work with. Whether it be to provide access to healthcare, clean water, food, education, adult literacy or vocational training, your contributions are helping to improve the lives of people for the better and we thank you!

Karen Naylor circle

Karen Naylor, People & Culture Director

I sat listening to a recent story of a 19 year-old young man connected with one of our international partners whose life and outlook has been opened up to possibilities and purpose through involvement in a project funded by Tearfund supporters. As the parent of young adults myself, I was struck by how similar we are across countries and vastly differing circumstances, and how thankful I am that Tearfund supporters gave so that this young man can see a different future. We share this deep desire for our young adults to see a hopeful future and to become strong. The impact of supporters and partners joining together to see tangible change for the future is incredibly significant for this next generation coming through. So I sat there, humbled by this story and the knowledge that it’s our supporters and partners who make this possible. Our prayers, thank-you’s and thoughts are with you all as we head towards the end of another year!

Greg Hewson Circle

Greg Hewson, Australian Program Director

It's often said that it takes a village to raise a child... Well the same sentiment holds when we reflect on the challenges of addressing poverty and injustice in our world today... We cannot do it alone! We at Tearfund are so thankful for the amazing generosity, commitment and faith of supporters across the country. The highlight of my year was having the opportunity to gather at events across the country with many of you in August and September. Merry Christmas and God Bless.

Ben Clarke, First Peoples Campaigns and Engagement Lead

Thank you to everyone who stands with the First Nations people of Australia, praying for them, advocating for them and learning from them. We are grateful to be able to support amazing First Nations Christian leaders around the country and are thankful for your support that makes it possible.

Rebekah Goh, Philanthropy Manager

Connecting with supporters is a first task coming onboard and I have been so uplifted by your loveliness and generosity. Tearfund is so blessed to have your faithful friendship. Thank you for taking time to speak to me. Your stories of faith and desire for justice are inspiring!

James Montgomery circle

James Montgomery, International Partnerships Manager

As I was visiting Afghanistan in October I had ample opportunity to see firsthand how the generosity of our supporters is an enormous blessing to many families. I was shocked during my visit at the prevalence of hunger in communities, but at the same time so grateful to hear about how the work of our partners is addressing this enormous need! Thank you so much for your support!

Steve G circle

Stephen Gunaratnam, Chief Financial Officer

I wanted to say a huge thank you to our faithful supporters over the past year. Their partnership with us in Australia allows us to resource our partners around the world - working in some of the hardest places. Thank you!

Sam Nolan, IT Support Officer

Listening to our supporters stories of giving and what drives them to be so altruistic is truly inspiring to me. You're the true heroes of Tearfund's story.

Coby Hallas, Creative Director

I am constantly blown away by our supporters not just giving but also volunteering their time and talents to fundraise and advocate on behalf of the poor and marginalized, doing what they can to make the world a better and safer place for all.

Sam Fagan circle

Sam Fagan, Advocacy and Influencing Lead

Thank you to the ever inspiring community of Tearfund supporters. It is one of the great highlights of my role, connecting with supporters and hearing their stories of learning, change, growth and action! Thank you for sharing your passion and commitment with me - it has impacted my faith in a deep and profound way.

Kate edmeades Circle

Kate Edmeades, Reporting and Insights Manager

Hi wonderful Tearfund supporters, thanks so much for your amazing support and journeying with us in the mission to bring about a just and compassionate world. We’ve been so encouraged to hear the stories of how you are making an impact in your families and communities! It’s so good to be able to join with you and others all around the world as together we work towards ending poverty and injustice. Thank you!

Ben Howes circle

Ben Howes, Advocacy and Influencing Lead

Dear Tearfund community, a huge thank you! It really puts a spring in my step each day as I visit churches, schools, MP offices, retirement villages and meet with our partners, to know I'm part of an Australian community eager to see everyone experience life to the full that Christ has for them! God bless you as you live as salt and light - and please be encouraged that as you pray, we are also lifting you up to the Lord! (Philippians 1:3-11)