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Cop26 over whats next n1

COP26 is over - so what’s next?

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As COP26 comes to an end it’s easy to feel a little lost and overwhelmed by the ongoing challenges facing the world. As Christian’s the bible reminds us that ultimately, the work of restoration is God’s work, and that our role as the church is to be faithful in our calling. We are reminded too by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians ‘Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.’ (Galatians 6:9)

Climate justice won't be achieved by a single person, decision or conference – but millions of us will continue to play our part.

So what comes next? How do we continue to live as people of hope, speaking up for all creation? To help, we've pulled together three impactful actions you can do to care for creation.

1. Speak up for all creation. Sign the Petition.

Speak up for all creation by signing our petition. Collecting signatures demonstrates community support for change. It gives voice to community concerns on a particular issue. The Call For All Creation petition is being taken to our political leaders by Tearfund supporters. Your voice adds weight to those talking to their local politicians, telling them there are more than just those in the meeting that deeply care about this issue.

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2. Talk about it - the importance of conversation

You don’t have to be an expert to be involved in taking action on climate change. Research consistently shows us that ‘talking about climate change’ is one of the most important advocacy actions you can take. Tearfund have created a range of resources to help you feel confident speaking to your community. Whether you want to talk to your church or have personal conversations, these resources will guide you to have better conversations about climate change and the end of poverty.

3. Meeting your MP about climate justice

If you want to meet with your Federal MP to talk about climate policy, we have a fantastic training opportunity. Join us on November 25 for the session ‘Meeting your MP - How to make the most of your moment to speak up’. You’ll learn how to give a quick elevator pitch to your MP. Whether it’s a chance encounter, shopping centre meet-up, or town hall forum, you’ll learn strategies and skills to express why you care about creation and climate justice.

You’ll also find out more about other opportunities.

November 25: 8:00pm-9:00pm (AEDT)