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Christmas dove

God's joy at Christmas

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The Christmas story is a story of joy in the midst of chaos, disruption, despair and upheaval.

The Christmas story is a story of joy in the midst of chaos, disruption, despair and upheaval.

Born in a cow shed, during a time of political and religious turmoil, the birth of Jesus was met with songs of joy by those who were hungry and thirsty for the peace that can only come from God.

As the angels so powerfully proclaimed, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those who he favours.' (Luke 2:14)

For the most part we have so sanitised and commercialised Christmas that any link to the original context is too often limited to a nativity scene in a shopping centre courtyard.


Yet this year, as we in Australia have come face to face with all the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown at us, the disruptive message of Christmas is perhaps more timely and ‘real’ than ever.

The disruption gave hope and courage to Mary to declare:

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.

Luke 1:46

The invitation for us this year is to read anew the story of Christmas and allow the words to settle deep into our souls; challenging, nurturing and renewing us to draw closer to this our foundational story - that in the midst of the disruption and messiness of the world, God entered into humanity, in the form of a vulnerable child.

As we sing ‘Joy to the World’, the challenge for us today is to reflect upon whether in the midst of this time of disruption, we can find a way to reconnect with the coming of Christ as a time of deep joy, one that has profound implications for how we live today.

Greg Hewson
Greg Hewson and his family live in South West Victoria where they enjoy community, the nearby beach and growing their own food.

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