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Middle East Humanitarian Appeal: Please give now.

Nanoos story dioecese of hyberabad 3

Healthier mums and babies in Pakistan

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In Nanoo’s village in rural Pakistan, there are limited resources for pregnant women and birthing mothers. But since being trained as a traditional birth attendant through Tearfund’s local partner, Nanoo is helping mothers in her community look forward to the arrival of a new baby with hope and confidence.

When Tearfund’s partner Diocese of Hyderabad came to her village in Sindh Province around four years ago, Nanoo was one of the women chosen to be trained as a traditional birth attendant. So far Nanoo – herself a mother of five – has helped 10 women in the village to give birth. She also accompanies pregnant ladies to hospital for their check-ups.

Equipped with these new skills, Nanoo has become a leader in the community. She says that she never imagined she could lead other village women in this way, and she now hopes that all the women in the village will develop the confidence to express themselves.

She has also learned about the importance of everyday good hygiene in keeping mothers and their children safe and healthy, and is keen to raise awareness of this in the village.

I love helping women in the village,” says Nanoo. “I hope all the members of the village will live in peace and harmony so that this village can become a role model for other nearby communities.

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Nanoo in Pakistan

Thank you for your support to keep mothers and their children safe and healthy.

* Photo by Parkash Peter, Diocese of Hyderabad