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NAIDOC Week 2020 – Praying with the First Peoples of Australia: Day 3

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NAIDOC Week 2020 – Praying with the First Peoples of Australia: Day 3

  • Nola and the Moorditj Keila organisation based in South Perth, WA.
  • Heather Yeparranga and the Hope for Health Community, Elcho Island, NT.
Nola Moorditj Keila

Moorditj Keila

I’m Nola and I come from Perth I was bought up in East Perth but I was taken away, so I am Stolen Generation. I am Noongar.

I love the Moorditj Keila community. We meet here and this is our little room. When I come here I feel very chatty. We are a strong and growing community. Us Christians who are part of the community play our part in this community.

I would like to see less drugs in this area.


  • Pray with the christians who are part of the Moorditj Keila community that they can live out the love of Jesus to all around them.

Heather Yeparranga

Hope for Health

My name is Heather Yeparranga and I work at the school as a teacher. I also help at the Hope for Health Program.

I've been to 3 retreats and now eat more vegetables at home.

I love this community. I want people to be strong and to be healthy. I like hunting trips and being with family.

I can see people coming together in fellowship more in my community. I see elders and leaders talking about the Kingdom and more people from the community hearing about Jesus.

I am praying for people to come join in at church and Hope for Health retreats. When people are sick, I pray for them.


  • Thank God for the way Heather can see people in her community growing in God.
  • For people who are sick and those who are getting more healthy thanks to the health retreats.

About our partner – Moorditj Keila

  • Moorditj Keila is an Aboriginal Community Organisation based in the City Of South Perth. They are a Non for profit organisation helping to improve their community.
  • Tearfund supports a Driver education Program run by Moorditj Keila and supported them during the peak of COVID-19.

About our partner – Hope for Health

  • Hope For Health aims to reawaken Yolngu vitality with our traditionally grounded health program. True health once experienced, can be lived.
  • Tearfund has partnered with Hope for Health for nearly 20 years.