Where in the world is hope? | Canberra
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A Tearfund Partnership Live event.
Thursday 29 August 2024
6:30 – 8:30pm (doors open 6pm)
St Matthew’s Anglican Church 5 Laurens St, Wanniassa ACT
Registration: $15
Refreshments provided: please note any dietary restrictions with your registration
Uncertainty. Dragged-out crises. Division and discouragement. Suffering, affliction, sorrow.
Where in the world is hope?
Depending on where you look, hope can be hard to find. But hope is not located somewhere outside of the uncertainty and tragedy of our world – through Jesus, God with us, hope can be right in the midst of it. In the darkest moments of history, in complex crises and hard places, God’s people have been able to locate themselves in a hope that remains. A hope that is present and sure, even in the midst of suffering – a hope that each of us is called to partner in.
Tearfund’s partnerships with locally-based Christian organisations around the world help Australians connect with God’s hope at work in places experiencing extreme poverty, entrenched injustice, and multi-layered crises.
While we can often feel disconnected from and overwhelmed by these global challenges, Partnership Live events help open the door for us to encounter – and be a partner in – hope in hard places.
Join us at Where in the World is Hope, to come face-to-face with the devastating challenges and determined hope of Afghanistan. Together, we will:
Hear stories of hope from Kennedy Dhanabalan, Executive Director of one of Tearfund’s local partners who has served Afghan communities through decades of instability, conflict and disaster
Get the first look at new research showing how hopeful Australians feel about the world, and what this means for how we can locate ourselves in God’s hope in a weary world
Pray together and consider how each of us can fuel the hope of others and further the transformative work of Tearfund’s partners in Afghanistan and beyond.
Certain hope, an anchor for our souls.
Hope as the fruit of perseverance.
Hope that doesn’t disappoint, hope that unites.
Hope that is persistently joyful, prayerful and faithful in affliction.
Here is hope.
About our guest:
Kennedy Dhanabalan is the Executive Director of Serve Afghanistan, one of Tearfund Australia's long standing partners. Kennedy has a wealth of experience having worked for Tearfund's Indian partner EFICOR for decades in programming, and most recently, as their Executive Director. He also served as the Chairperson of Micah Global, a network of Christian organisations involved in social concern.
About Afghanistan:
Afghanistan is facing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. The nation has endured decades of conflict, political upheaval, severe economic decline and recurrent extreme climate shocks, and it is estimated that 58% of the population will require humanitarian assistance this year. In the midst of these stark realities, there continues to be seeds of beauty and hope. Tearfund has worked alongside local Christian partner organisations in Afghanistan since 1983; today, Tearfund’s partnerships with Afghan partner organisations constitute our largest investment in a single country.
About the Global Hope Report:
As Christians, we are called to be ambassadors of Gospel hope: viewing our present day reality through the lens of the hope to which we are called. The Global Hope Report, drawn from research conducted by NCLS, not only shines a spotlight on the views and concerns Australians hold in relation to global challenges, but provides Christians with an opportunity to take hope-fuelled action in response.
Register now
Where in the World is Hope
Thursday 29 August 2024
6:30 – 8:30pm (doors open 6pm)
Cost: $15
RSVP by 22 August