Secure, reliable access to food is one of the basic building blocks that makes it possible for people to lift themselves out of poverty. However, after decades of progress, hunger in the world and severe food insecurity are on the rise.
Right now, the world stands on the edge of another crisis.
Right now, 50 million people are on the brink of famine due to conflict and the climate crisis.
In Somalia alone, an estimated seven million people are likely to face acute food insecurity between June and September this year.
Without immediate therapeutic food and care, almost eight million children under five are at risk of death from malnutrition, with the number rising by the minute.
It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed and so removed from the issue of world hunger. But for each of us, there are some practical ways we can make a difference.
For most of us in Australia, the idea that hunger continues in so many countries in the world is hard to understand. The worst drought in 40 years has led to harvests withering away; the invasion of Ukraine has caused the price of food imports to skyrocket; local conflicts have forced millions of people from their homes; and flash floods have been washing away what little is left.
In the Bible we are reminded that Jesus says: “Just as you did it to one of the least of these … you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). Jesus’ invitation is for us to be his hands and feet to people whose lives are made vulnerable by this unfolding, unjust situation.
Before we can even think about responding ourselves or inviting others to respond as well, we need to take time to learn more about this current hunger crisis and what the driving factors are.
Praying for such a vast crisis can feel overwhelming, but prayer is powerful and can be part of the solution. In this great resource, we share five areas we can focus our prayers on: for people affected by hunger and water shortages; for those in leadership positions; for God’s provision and love to be revealed through the church; for vulnerable adults and children; and for peace.
To prevent the deaths of millions of people, Tearfund, together with Micah Australia and agencies across the aid and development sector, are calling on the Australian Government to step up and do our part. $150 million is needed to avert catastrophe in the worst-affected hunger hotspots in the Horn of Africa, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria.
We can make a difference, save lives and help fight famine.
You can show your support for this life-saving humanitarian effort by writing to your MP and asking them to #helpfightfamine
Tearfund’s partners are supporting communities where this hunger crisis is most severe, but they need your support to continue this work. Your support is making a life changing difference through the work of Tearfund’s partners:
Many in our churches and communities are unaware of this unfolding crisis and how to respond. Together with our prayer resources (see point 2 above) this kit will provide you with all you need to spread the word and advocate for those most impacted around the world.
To learn more and download the kit visit
Header image: An estimated 7 million people in Somalia alone are likely to face acute food insecurity between June and September this year. In nearby Somaliland (pictured), severe drought is similarly threatening lives and leading to supply crises. Image: Tearfund Germany.