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Inspiring prayers for God’s creation

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It seems that more than ever, our world needs restoration and renewal.

This year, vulnerable communities already struggling with the devastating impact of climate change are now facing another layer of incredible hardship as they respond to the COVID pandemic.

As we pray for our world, let's be reminded of our calling to care for God’s creation and to love our global neighbours affected by a changing climate.

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Prayer 1: Give us a new heart

Our God, you hold our lives in your hands.
You have promised to give us a new heart
and to put a new spirit in us.

We pray:
renew us everyday.

Forgive us where we have failed
to be good stewards and to be good neighbours.

Give us the courage
to think beyond our own lives;
to live and consume responsibly
so that our near and far neighbours can experience their full dignity,
and that we can help restore and admire the beauty of our communities and of this earth.

Our God,
you hold our world in your hands.
You hear your creation groaning
but you have promised to liberate it from its pain.

We pray:
renew our world.

Forgive those of us
who haven’t used their power wisely.
Give us and our leaders the courage
to think beyond our own economies;
to seek genuine partnerships
so that all people can experience the fullness of life, and that our planet is known
to be the common home for all creation and future generations.

Inspired by:

‘I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh’. (Ezekiel 36:26)

‘For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.’ (Romans 8:20-22)

Credit: EU-CORD

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Prayer 2: Renew Our World

Renew our spirits and cleanse our hearts.
Renew our minds and transform our lives.
Renew our cities and rebuild our ruins.
Renew our world, in your name we pray,

Credit: TEAR Australia

Prayer 3: Our home belongs to you

Loving God, Lord of heaven and earth, this earth, our home belongs to you.
Give us grace to love it as you do.
Give us courage to give ourselves, as you do, for the good of all people and all of your creation.
Strengthen us to stand, as you do, with the vulnerable poor.
Give us wisdom to know when we have enough, and the voice to say “enough” to all that harms creation and hurts the poorest.
This earth, our home, belongs to you.

Credit: Micah Australia

Creation prayers

Prayer 4: Prayers for our leaders

We pray for our leaders whose decisions and policies have the potential to impact the lives of millions of people around the world - people who they may never meet, know, or be aware of, but who are your sons and daughters.

God, we pray that your spirit will fill our leaders hearts and heads that they might hear the voices of the impoverished, the oppressed and the vulnerable.

God help them see the impact of their actions, and the potential to release healing and hope through just policies.

Credit: Micah USA

Prayer 5: Prayers for our churches

God, we pray for unity in the church - that despite our differences and disagreements we can come together around the beautiful gift of salvation, and the hope we have in Jesus.

That we will be renewed and filled with urgency to work together to see justice done in our world.

We pray for the Church to awaken to the injustice of climate change, our role in perpetuating the problem, and a passion to see your world renewed.

Credit: Micah USA

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Prayer 6: Liturgy: responsive prayers for our world

Leader: For every good gift in creation, for its diversity and dignity and glory:
All: We give you thanks.

Leader: For threatened species and habitats, for all creatures on the brink:
All: We ask your grace and protection.

Leader: For seeking to live without limits, and failing to see how our lives affect all in the community of creation:
All: We ask your forgiveness and correction.

Leader: For the beauty and diversity of the family of faith:
All: We give you thanks.

Leader: For all those who struggle and are weary, who suffer and are oppressed:
All: We ask your grace and protection.

Leader: For the indifference or ignorance or busyness that stops us responding with mercy and justice to our brothers and sisters in need:
All: We ask your forgiveness and correction.

Leader: For every opportunity to do good, to share abundantly, and to live a little more in tune with your whole-hearted hospitality:
All: We give you thanks.

Leader: When we are worn down, tired out or broken apart by the weight of our own struggles and failures:
All: We ask your grace and protection.

Leader: For the times we do not heed your call to walk the road of discipleship with your son, Jesus:
All: We ask your grace and protection.

Benediction: Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word. (2 Thessalonians 2:16–17)

Credit: Micah Australia

Background Dinner Table Night

Prayer 7: The Earth is the Lord’s

This we know: the earth does not belong to us.
The earth is the Lord’s and so are all its people.

This we know: we did not weave the web of life.
The earth is the Lord’s and so is all that breathes on it.

This we know: we are called to till and work the earth.
The earth is the Lord’s and so are all who work the land.

This we know: that we are called to take care of creation.
The earth is the Lord’s yet we have polluted and abused it.

This we know: that whatever befalls the earth, Befalls the sons and daughters of the earth
This we know: that the earth is the Lord’s. And so we will serve Him in it.


Source: Bishop Eric Pike, Diocese of Port Elizabeth (South Africa): adapted from various sources including Ray Simpson