Please join us in thanking God for our partners, who are faithfully present with their communities during this pandemic crisis. They are working tirelessly to respond to urgent needs and provide practical relief for struggling families, motivated by the love of our faithful and present God.
In response to the COVID crisis - Join as online to pray for one another, for TEAR’s partners, and for the people they serve. Read more.
Continue to pray for all our partners that are doing all they can to work for their communities in these challenging times.
Here are a few specific ways you can pray for some of our partners:
Nepal has recently eased its national lockdown after four months, but COVID-19 restrictions continue to be in place.
Our partner UMN shared that while the drop in numbers of new cases has been encouraging, the lockdown has brought great suffering. “Nepal is reeling under deep recession which is affecting everyone. However we all know that extreme caution is needed as this disease can run out of control with little warning. Please pray for Government and all officials who take decisions and try to manage every aspect of national life. There is a long period of hardship and recovery ahead.”
“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 33:22)
At the time of writing this update, Ethiopia has over 9,000 active cases and over 250 deaths, and is operating under a very strict state of emergency until at least the end of August.
Please pray for our partner, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC), as they navigate this challenging time. They normally run over 100 pre-schools for children from vulnerable backgrounds, helping to prepare them to enter the mainstream school system. Schools across Ethiopia have been closed for several months now, and there is no news on when they will reopen.
Despite this, after lots of discussion, from late May the pre-school teachers have been holding classes every day in their own homes. Groups are kept to 4-5 children and all of the necessary COVID-safe measures are taken. In this way, teachers are able to help kids keep up with lessons while reinforcing good health education and practices with them.
Join us in giving thanks for the servant hearts of EKHC and their staff, dedicated to serving their communities. Please also pray that the situation in Ethiopia improves quickly and that schools are open again soon so that children can have access to an education.
Please pray for the COVID-19 situation in Afghanistan, for communities, and also for the safety and security of Serve Afghanistan staff who are involved in the relief work. Please also pray for peace in the country.
Getting enough information and understanding has been a big challenge for the deaf community during the pandemic.
The staff at Nzeve have been responding to this, teaching children, youth and deaf adults about COVID-19 and the new behaviours they need to adopt. They meet in small groups and learn a little each week and be equipped to share in their own networks and communities.
Please give thanks for Nzeve’s work and the way they have been able to empower and include those in the community who are often excluded or marginalised.
Our partner SaCHA has asked us: “Please pray for the government of Pakistan who are responding to the COVID-19 crisis, Help them to make wise decisions and make effective policies.Pray for communities who are struggling. Pray for the staff and leadership of SaCHA to manage the situation wisely
The lockdown has been hard for staff, working from home. There is also a fear of infection and uncertainty among staff.”
TEAR partner EFICOR is helping families with COVID-19 relief support and awareness. EFICOR continues to reach out to migrant families, daily wage labourers, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people living with disabilities.
“Notwithstanding the personal fears of risking their own health as well as the wellbeing of their family members, our staff stepped forward, considering our calling and the needs of those suffering as a priority over their own safety.” – Ramesh Babu, EFICOR India
Pray for health and protection over our partners, and that their sacrificial service will be a powerful witness of God’s love.
Our partner Gulliver from Sudan Evangelical Mission shared: “We are asking for prayer for peace in the country. Please pray for the parties that are involved in the peace agreement, that they will be able to agree on the way forward.
Please pray for the vulnerable communities we are working among, that we will be able to find a way to support them and to reach the most vulnerable.”
COVID-19 presents serious challenges in crowded and under-resourced contexts like the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. Physical distancing is virtually impossible and resources like soap, running water and medicine are in short supply.
TEAR’s partner World Concern is responding in two camps: providing households with basic hygiene supplies, providing health professionals working in the camps with Personal Protective Equipment, and increasing awareness of COVID transmission prevention and domestic violence and abuse prevention.
Please give thanks for their work and pray for the safety of their staff. Also pray that they are able to reach those most vulnerable to get them the supplies they need. Pray that the situation can be contained despite the crowded and challenging circumstances.
Peace Bridges is adapting most of their activities from face to face training and meeting to online platforms and social media. Where they can, they will connect partners who do COVID-19 response to their peacebuilders. Give thanks that Cambodia has been able to successfully respond to the initial outbreak of COVID-19. Please pray for wisdom for their country’s leaders as they continue to respond to the COVID-19 situation and for our partner Peace Bridges in continuing its important work.
Pray for India, which continues to have an increase in active cases, currently over 520,000, with over 34,000 deaths.
Eddie Mall, Executive Director from our partner Saahasee says: “Please pray for wisdom in these unprecedented times. ..While we innovate in our outreach actions, may our effort, love and commitment reach out to the ‘least of these’.
In facing this challenge we at Saahasee have had to dig deep, pray and find fresh and renewed perspective in our faith and yet find meaningful ways of reaching out. Thanks for your prayers and support and be assured of ours!”