Bibbulmun Track Journey - A Step towards Reconciliation
Please note: This information is more than 30 days old. View current news and events.
You're invited to walk a section of the Bibbulmun Track with Indigenous Elders and leaders as they talk about culture, history, and the significance of reconciliation for all Australians.
This event is being hosted by TEAR Australia because we believe that reconciliation between non-indigenous and Indigenous peoples of Australia is critically important.
The Bibbulmun Track Journey will start on Saturday 8th September and finish on Sunday 9th of September.
Meet at the TEAR WA office 315 Bagot Rd Subiaco at 8am Sat 8th Sept and travel in a bus the the start. We will arrive back at 4pm Sunday 9th.
This event involves walking about 20 KM in two days and accomodation is in basic huts and tents. Busses will be provided from the TEAR office to the start of the walk and will also bring you back.
Last year about 20 people participated in this event and were deeply effected:
“On the weekend that went, I walked a segment of the Bibbulmun track just south of Jarrahdale. It was an amazing journey. The people I walked with were full of love and kindness and we slowly got to know each other as the walk went on. The scenery was spectacular and the views from the hilltops brought me a sense of inner peace. I took in the sights, smells, sounds, thought about our old people and connected to country. Being out there made me feel like my spirit was being rejuvenated. The walk was organised to bring our people's (Nyoongar & Wadjellah) together. Thank you Steve, Wez and all participants”. - Olman
‘I was really hit by the responsibility upon me and us that we need to now be agents of reconciliation to help heal this land and our people". - Mark.
Such a special weekend spent on TEAR's Bibbulmun track journey; just a bunch of willing strangers coming together to seek, learn, fellowship and open ourselves to be impacted by the beauty and power of creation and creator.