Media Statement - Prevention of Sexual Misconduct
Please note: This information is more than 30 days old. View current news and events.
TEAR Australia welcomes the release of the Independent Review into the Practice and Response of Australian Council of International Development (ACFID) Members in the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct conducted by the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM). TEAR was actively involved with the review process and places a high value on sector accountability.
The independent review made 31 recommendations which have all been accepted by the Board of ACFID – Australia’s peak-body for aid and international development NGOs.
As an organisation that champions the needs and concerns of the most vulnerable, TEAR Australia also accepts the findings and recommendations of the independent review, and commits to working on their implementation.
“We have an obligation – and deep commitment - to hold ourselves to the highest possible standards. Standards that ensure the safety of all involved and connected to our work,” TEAR Australia CEO Matthew Maury said.
“The independent review reminds us all that there is no room for complacency. One instance of sexual harassment or sexual abuse is one too many, whether it be within the aid sector or in any part of our community.”
TEAR Australia is continuously improving our reporting and surveillance of safeguarding incidents as a critical step towards keeping everyone involved with our work safe.
TEAR Australia collaborated with the independent review which is available here.