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Middle East Humanitarian Appeal: Please give now.


Meet Anne: Sharing Useful Gifts far + wide!

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Meet Anne: Sharing Useful Gifts far and wide!

Anne Junor from Collins Street Baptist Church in Melbourne has been a faithful TEAR supporter since the 70s and runs not one but TWO Useful Gifts Shops – one at Collins Street Baptist and one at Heidelberg Presbyterian.

Anne says “I have been a supporter of TEAR since the 1970s! I think the concept of TEAR’s Useful Gifts catalogue is a great way of putting our Christian values into practice. At Christmas time we are inundated with spending on so many things that we don’t need, so this is a time to consider other people around the world who have so little.

“I have been running a Useful Gift shop for many years. I find people respond really positively, and it’s also a good way of starting up discussion with people about poverty and living out our Christian faith.”

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Anne Junor

Inspired by Anne’s story? Find out how you can run a Useful Gifts Shop in your church in the lead up to Christmas!

Anyone can run a Useful Gifts Shop! We'll post you a kit containing everything you need, including:

  • Goat and chicken decorations
  • A supply of cards for sale
  • A receipt book and everything you need to process donations
  • Advertising material to promote your store.

You can also create your own online Useful Gifts shop.