New in 2022: An Upside-down World Podcast!
Please note: This information is more than 30 days old. View current news and events.
New in 2022: An original podcast featuring local and global voices, hosted by Joel McKerrow and Gracie Naoum. Go deeper into Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount with stories, interviews, prayer and poetry.
The podcast is part of Tearfund's seven-part devotional series on the Beatitudes for Lent - 'The Way of Love in an Upside-Down World'.
Listen to the trailer:
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Join us for Lent
In a chaotic and uncertain world, firm paths can be hard to find. But there is a way to walk steadily: a back-to-front framework for an upside-down world. It’s a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, anchored in love, bringing Jesus’ peace and hope into brokenness.
Join us for our seven-part devotional series on the Beatitudes for Lent as we walk the way of love in an upside-down world.
Get all the podcasts as well as the email series and optional printed material by subscribing to the Lent series:
Printed material available for a limited time.