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Update 5

Acting in faith on climate - together!

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We know that climate change is affecting this amazing world that God created – and it’s hitting vulnerable communities the hardest. But this situation can change, if we act in faith together.

That’s why, with our friends at Common Grace, we’ve launched the Christians Together for Climate campaign. We’re raising up a group of incredible Christian leaders to mobilise others and engage and speak up to politicians on this crucial issue.

We’d love to introduce to you three of our amazing ‘Together for Climate’ lobbying leaders. We hope you’re inspired and encouraged by what they have to share:

Isaac VIC 2

Isaac - VIC

My faith continually motivates me and convicts me to take action on climate change. Climate change is a weight we all carry, and it's something that I feel particularly heavy on my shoulders as a young person.

We are gifted with this beautiful planet. We are called to love God with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselves. Yet we often ignore how climate change will impact our brothers and sisters. It is our responsibility to care for our planet and to care for our neighbour. If we don't do anything now, those struggling will fall even further behind. We must think about people in poverty. We must think about people losing their homes to rising sea levels, increased natural disasters, and rising temperatures.

Christians Together for Climate is a platform to use the gifts we are blessed with for good and to benefit the church and the world we are so blessed to be in.

Rita VIC 2

Rita - VIC

I have always had a strong passion for sustainability and not exploiting God's creation. Joining this movement has really created an opportunity for me to not only take action on this issue but do it with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, according to His call.

Everything on earth is God's creation and we see so much exploitation and destruction of that creation - both of humans and the environment - to our detriment. We are already seeing the devastating effects of climate change on some of the poorest people in the world.

God has called us to always help the needy and the poor, to be their voice - so how can I sit back and do nothing? My faith is the core of what motivates me to act on climate change. Proverbs 31:8-9 (NIV) - “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

We are fortunate here in Australia to have a political system which allows us to have a voice and be heard. I can use my voice and mobilise others who are passionate about this issue; to influence change and create a better world and future for everyone.

Jed SA 2

Jed - SA

What excites me about this campaign is Christians standing in interdenominational unity to exercise their political rights as citizens of a democracy, urging our political leaders to seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless and plead the case of the widow.

Our faith convicts us to love our neighbour, act justly and live in righteousness. Beyond the noise and controversy surrounding climate change in the developed world, we must be attentive to people around the world who are already experiencing the effects of climate change.

Extreme weather events, land erosion and flooding leads to displaced populations, reduced food and water supplies are often experienced first by the poorest and most vulnerable communities. As Christians, we should be moved to compassion for people suffering in a broken world that needs Jesus. As Christians, we also have the incredible gift of prayer to intercede for the world. Pray with us and pray for our leaders.

Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
you shall be called the repairer of the breach,
the restorer of streets to live in. (Isaiah 58:12)

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