Looking for ways to live out your faith and seek justice this year? Here are four ideas that can make 2024 more just and compassionate for you, your neighbours (near and far!) and the earth.
Many of us love to use the new year to clean up and cull – why not take that energy into the year with a commitment to reducing your use of single-use plastics? Reducing the amount we throw away not only protects the environment but also helps combat climate change and reduce the impact of waste on our global neighbours. You can also sign our Rubbish Petition to add your voice to the thousands demanding an end to plastic pollution and its impacts on people living in poverty.
Prayer and justice go hand-in-hand: prayer aligns us with God’s heart, releases burdens, directs our gratitude, complements our action, helps us persevere and unites us as the body of Christ. It empowers us in the fight against the spiritual forces that perpetuate poverty and injustice. If prayer is a core part of your faith expression, would you remember those facing poverty and injustice in your prayers this year?
Jump online for plenty of resources and stories to prompt your prayers for the world. If you haven't, you can subscribe to our monthly Update newsletter to receive regular prayer news.
Did you make a new year’s resolution to cut back on takeaway? Binge less TV? Go for more walks? You can leverage those commitments for outcomes that help tackle poverty and injustice!
Maybe it’s using the $30 you would’ve spent each month on takeaway or streaming services to become a Restorer, putting hope on repeat for people facing poverty. Or popping a bag in your pocket for those morning walks to pick up a couple of pieces of rubbish along your route. If you are aiming to read more, add a book to the list that will help you on your justice journey.
Journeying alongside others is so important to our faith, and to pursuing justice. Together, we can be more creative, more impactful, more energised and more inspired. The injustices and brokenness of our world can weigh heavily, but carrying the burden together unifies and sustains us as we participate in God’s work of restoration.
Tearfund Action Groups are great places to connect, learn and take action with others – get in touch to find one near you or start your own! Or gather your small group and work through our Lent series, or one of our many other resources online.