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Banner Lent 19 Wk7 Ver2

A Psalm for the Living

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Lent: The Journey Towards Easter

Week 7

Reflection: Ray Minniecon. Artist: Melody Murton.


For me, God’s restoration is an everyday experience, goodness me, He won’t leave you alone! This Psalm is about that, God’s constant presence, it is beautiful really. That’s been my experience.

So, it is a Psalm for the living, not the dead. It is a Psalm for those who, in their struggles and challenges of life, are looking for some kind of, not just comfort, not even hope, but more about strength to go on, and to take that next step. Strength that maybe the darkness might not even be taken away, they maybe still in it. But that even in the darkness there is some kind of light, some kind of hope. What did Leonard Cohen say in that song, Anthem, “Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in”. There is a bit of that in this Psalm, it helps the light break through into people’s darkness… just a bit of light.

Actually one of my uncles Ronny Williams wrote Psalm 23 in an Aboriginal way too. He was a mentor for me and I travelled with him many, many times. It’s starts “My Big Fella Boss up in the sky is like the Father Emu”.

Poster Lent 19 Wk7


My big fella boss up in the sky is like the father emu.
He will always look after me and take me to green grass,

And lead me to where the water holes are full and fresh all the time.
He leads me away from the thick scrub

and helps me keep safe from the hunters, dingoes and eagles.
At night time when I’m very lonely and sad,

I will not be afraid, for my Father covers me with His feathers like a father emu.
His spear and shield will always protect me.

My big fella boss always gives me a good feed in the middle of my enemies.
In hot times he makes me sit down in a cool shade and rest.

He gives me plenty of love and care all of my life through.
Then I will live with my big fella boss like a father emu,

that cares for his chickens in good country full of peace and safety,
Forevermore and evermore.


Prayer by Rev. Ron Williams.

Remember our partners in prayer this week:

Pray for God’s reconciling Kingdom to be established and experienced as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians seek Him together.

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Ray Minniecon

Ray Minniecon

Pastor Ray Minniecon is a prominent Christian leader in Australia, with a background in Indigenous ministries, chaplaincy and pastoral care, founding support programs and acting as an advisor to academic and church institutions. He is a descendant of the Kabi Kabi nation and the Gurang Gurang nation of South-East Queensland. Ray is also a descendant of the South Sea Islander people with connections to the people of Ambrym Island.

Melody Murton

Melody Murton

Melody loves words. She loves writing them, speaking them, and crafting them into hand-lettered artworks. Alongside her part-time job as a content writer for TEAR Australia, Melody loves reading, hiking, crochet, leading worship and spending time with her husband Daniel and son Shepherd.

News about issues affecting Australia’s First Peoples

Keep informed about issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Tearfund's work with the First Peoples of Australia. Together, let’s deepen our understanding and prayerfully consider how we can engage in the work of reconciliation and healing to which God calls us.


Group Study Guide

An Easter resource for small groups and families. With a background on Psalm 23 as well as questions and discussion starters.


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