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Banner Lent 19 Wk1

The Shepherd who is Sovereign

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Lent: The Journey Towards Easter

Week 1

Prayer: Rev. Joel Edwards. Artist: Lara Cooper.


Psalm 23 is about the Majesty of God. This isn’t your common garden shepherd, with a rod and staff. This is the shepherd of shepherds! This is the shepherd who is aware of the political problems in the world. This is the shepherd who is aware of starvation. This is the shepherd who is aware of people who live under totalitarian situations. This is the shepherd who still shepherds the needy in desperate economic and political realities. This is shepherding with sovereignty. I think the biggest deal is - here is a shepherd who is sovereign, who then is able to respond to the diversity and complexity of wants and needs in all their variety.

Poster Lent 19 Wk1
Lara's beautiful painting, which was part of our Lent series in 2019

The Shepherd’s Prayer

Lord, my Shepherd,
Guide me
To that place where I want nothing more than you.

Lead me
To the space that’s still,
And comfort-green,
And soft, by silent streams.

And when I am bruised,
Or broken,
Or bemused,
Restore me from the inside-out.

Show me the road to righteousness,
Because you are already there.

And when the clouds come low,
And everything around me dies,
Stay with me.

Prod and pull me to yourself.
And lift me up
when people pull me down.

Make me good,
And merciful,
For as long as I shall live,

And let me be with you forever.


Remember our partners in prayer this week:

Pray for our partners working in regions where governments are unstable, corrupt or oppressive.

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Joel Edwards

Rev. Joel Edwards

Rev Joel Edwards is a freelance broadcaster with the BBC, a writer, coach and international speaker on a wide range of areas including bible teaching, issues of justice, leadership, faith and society. He is currently a doctoral student with St John’s College, Durham where he is also a Visiting Fellow.

Joel’s wide range of experiences include 11 years as general director of the Evangelical Alliance UK and 10 years’ leadership in Micah Challenge International – a global faith-based response to extreme poverty.

Currently, he is an honorary Canon at St Paul’s Cathedral, and Visiting Fellow at Spurgeon’s College. Joel has been awarded three honorary doctorates including St Andrews University.

He is married to Carol and they have two children and five grandchildren.

Lara Cooper

Lara Cooper

Lara Cooper is an artist and illustrator based in Maleny QLD. She is a dynamic painter of all mediums, with a unique vision for artistic storytelling. Lara has received many awards for her work, including the Kernewek Lowender Art Prize in 2013.

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Group Study Guide

An Easter resource for small groups and families. With a background on Psalm 23 as well as questions and discussion starters.


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